------------ XYZ Archive -------------- _______________________________ | _ _ _ _ _______ | | \ \ / / \ \ / / |___ | | | \ \/ / \ \ / / / / | | / /\ \ \ / / /__ | | /_/ \_\ |_| /_____| | | | | S T U D I O | |_______________________________| G R O U P ------------ INFO ----------------- This is an archive of where we upload our latest productions or member-made productions for people who want to download it fresh off our website, we also have other archives such as one for the great MoonShine demogroup, and the i-Cybie Preservation Project! This archive may include music, images, games, source codes, demos, and many other cool things that you may find interesting! ----------------------------------- Web Server run by SkylarZYX / XyZs All files go to their respective owners Last Updated 3/1/2024 ------- For inquiries or assistance -------- YOU MAY E-MAIL: xyzstudioteam@gmail.com --------------------------------- Powered by Dell Optiplex 5040 16GB DDR3 Webserver Running Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS (x86_64)